Adaptief Leren op Zpannend Zernike

Earlier this month, we attended Zpannend Zernike, a family-oriented science festival held across the city of Groningen. As educational researchers and designers, this was a wonderful opportunity to see our work in the hands of young learners – And an opportunity for them to learn more about their internal learning and memory processes.  The personalised […]

Waarom kennisgebaseerde examens schadelijk zijn voor de doelstellingen van het onderwijs.

Why knowledge-based exams are harmful to the goals of education. Centuries of research have demonstrated that the best long-term retention of educational materials is achieved when the materials are studied in a spaced fashion. This means that students should not invest the time they have available for studying in a single study session, but instead […]

Modaliteit is van belang: voordelen van spraakgebaseerd leren bij leerlingen met dyslexie

Abstract  Developmental dyslexia is a common learning disorder that affects reading, writing, and spelling, often leading to academic difficulties. In this study, which was awarded the 2024 Computational Modeling Award by the Cognitive Science Society, researcher Thomas Wilschut aims to address some of these challenges by improving the process of vocabulary learning in dyslexia. He […]

Op weg naar adaptieve, inclusieve en gepersonaliseerde beoordelings- en leertechnologie

Digital learning technologies create new opportunities for personalising the learning process. By personalising each learner’s environment, we can better align it to their needs. When thinking about personalisation in this context, there are several important questions to consider. Which elements of a learning environment can be personalised? And who decides what to personalise and how? […]

Datagestuurde vaardigheidsontdekking om onderwijs te personaliseren

Imagine facing a task you have never encountered before. Perhaps a broken vacuum, a challenge unfamiliar yet oddly conquerable. Recalling how you tackled a clogged drain by clearing a blocked pipe, you then remember using a broom to retrieve your shoes from under the couch. Skill A meets Skill B, and you wield a stick […]

Gepersonaliseerde adaptieve leersystemen: van simpele feiten tot complexe materialen

Adaptive learning systems like MemoryLab have changed the way we learn, by tailoring digital learning sessions to the needs of individual learners. To date, such systems have been particularly helpful in memorizing vocabulary and factual knowledge. In a recent collaboration with Hogeschooltaal, a publisher of language learning materials for applied university education in the Netherlands, […]

Het nieuwe Model-Based Mastery-algoritme van MemoryLab helpt studenten sneller te leren

Chart showing trials to reach mastery are lower Model-based mastery compared to optimal spacing

Adaptive learning systems can redefine learning experiences by shaping education to individual needs, optimizing student performance. Within this landscape, MemoryLab has recently introduced the Model-Based Mastery (MBM) algorithm, which strategically excludes sufficiently studied facts from repetition schedules, increasing learning efficiency. In this blog post I delve into our comparative analysis of the MBM algorithm versus […]

Bouwen van TafelTrainer #4: Evaluatie van de leerprestaties in de Multiplication Trainer 

In the previous blog posts, we gave an insight in the process of designing and developing the Multiplication Trainer, a multiplication app that can help learners to automatise multiplications through repeated retrieval practice. As part of the design and implementation process, we conducted a pilot to test the system in over 500 primary school students. […]

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