Building Multiplication Trainer

"Tafel van 2" screenshot Multiplication Trainer

In dit whitepaper bieden we inzicht in het proces van het ontwikkelen van de Multiplication Trainer: een applicatie voor het leren van de tafels van vermenigvuldiging met een adaptief algoritme dat is gebaseerd op een computermodel van het geheugen van de leerling. De applicatie helpt leerlingen bij het automatiseren van vermenigvuldigingen door herhaalde oefeningen over […]

Building TafelTrainer #1: Usability Testing

TafelTrainer screenshot with a multiplication being answered incorrectly

Usability testing plays a crucial role in the product creation journey. Conducting usability testing sheds light on understanding whether your users find your product easy and intuitive to use, making it an essential skill for every UX designer in their daily jobs. In this blog, I will cover my personal experience in conducting testing of […]

The non-linear journey of the creative process

Double diamond diagram

Being creative makes our lives meaningful, from finding solutions to problems in everyday contexts to building new innovations in the workplace.  But how do we go from an idea to building something valuable? In reality, it’s a process, and Design thinking might be the solution. Design thinking is a non-linear process that aids UX-Designers in […]

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International Partnership Coordinator assisting you in adaptive learning solutions

Nathan McCabe

International Partnership Coordinator

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Saar Speijers

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